Welcome to Pakkie.com logo is the word pakkie with the letters in the colors of black, green, and red-orange.  This image is trademarked.

Personal Mobility Sling
Rescue and Evacuation Device

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Corporate Sales

Welcome to Corporate Sales!

Welcome to corporate sales for the Pakkie.  Pakkie.com is determined to not only assist people with disabilities, but to educate the corporate world on the importance of accommodating their customers, and employees with disabilities in a safe manner whether it be everyday situations or during emergencies.

It is important for the corporate world to realize that people with disabilities have different needs. Spinal cord injuries require total body assistance when being transferred, where an amputee may require minor assistance. "Pakkie" reduces pain and stress for the person requiring assistance, and can prevent injuries leading to law suits.

With the threat of terrorist attacks at an all-time high, three major hurricanes (bringing floods, and tornados) hitting the United States in a matter of months, and wildfires out west, emergency planning for people with disabilities is no longer an option for corporations, but a must!

Make sure the Pakkie is part of your emergency plan!

The Pakkie is perfect for:

High Rise Buildings

Anybody with a disability in a high rise building has no safe way to evacuate during an emergency.  Also what happens if a person who was totally healthy when they went to work, and then became injured during an emergency later that day, how would they get out of the building?  Here is where the Pakkie comes to the rescue.


Ok, so you work for an airline company, how many times have you come across persons disabled that need to board an airplane? Do you as the airline staff have any clue to what is the safest way to lift a person?  This is a trick question, because there is no safe way, unless you have the Pakkie.  The Pakkie can be used as an universal transfer device, and can prevent a passenger with a disability from becoming injured, and taking legal action against the airline.  Spending a little money on the Pakkie, can save you millions in the future.  The Pakkie is the ultimate investment.


Cruises generally have a good reputation within the population of disabilities, but some cruises do not dock at port, but they dock at sea and take a tender to the dock.  Also what happens if there is an emergency on the ship?  How can a person disabled be expected to get into a life boat?  Do not worry, the Pakkie can be used to solve these problems.


What happens to visitors with disabilities when the fire alarm is pulled, or if there is a real fire?  They cannot use the elevators so how will they go down the stairs?  The Pakkie of course.  Hotels could easily store this device in handicap rooms and notify disabled visitors of its presence.  Hotels at the beach have another use for the Pakkie.  The Pakkie makes it possible for several friends to carry their friend with a disability to the beach.  This device is a lot easier to store than a beach wheelchair, and costs far less.  Plus we can add your hotel name and logo to the back of the Pakkie, and you could also be advertising.  These slings will practically pay for themselves.

These are just a few of the many examples of corporations that could benefit from the Pakkie. 

The Pakkie is the solution to your business needs

We can personalize the Pakkie by adding your company logo, as well as offer volume discounts.

Please contact us and we will work with you to find a solution to your business needs for everyday activities, and/or emergency planning.

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