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Welcome to the homepage for the newly patented Pakkie Mobility Sling Rescue and Evacuation Device.  We at are determined to develop more efficient, and safer ways for people with disabilities to be transferred not only during an emergency, but during everyday life situations.

What is the Pakkie?

A unique harness or sling, designed and created by a woman with a disability, Judy Hoit.

"Pakkie" (a mobility transfer sling), allows 2 people to move a person requiring assistance from one location to another. One grasps loops at the knees, a second grasps loops near the shoulders, and in a single action, they lift and move the person to the desired location.

"Pakkie" reduces pain and stress for the person requiring assistance. It is simple and easy to use. There are no moving parts to break or repair.

The "Pakkie" is made of a material that is lightweight (weighs less than one pound), durable, and is easy to store. The "Pakkie" may be sprayed with disinfectants for medical purposes.

Pakkie News

Looking for Sales Representatives

We are currently also looking for representatives from all over the world to help us sell this wonderful product.  Please contact Robert Watson at (301) 343-7251 for more information.

Customer Experience

If you are currently using the Pakkie we would like to hear about your experiences.  Please email Mike McGrath at and let us know how you feel about the Pakkie.

History of the Pakkie

Judy Hoit designed "Pakkie" after traveling to South Africa, alone, as well as taking numerous trips in the United States.

Judy is a polio survivor, with limited use of her arms and legs, and uses a wheelchair. Previously, airline staff would attempt to lift her from her wheelchair to the airline aisle chair. And then lift her once again into her assigned seat on the plane. A procedure unpleasant for Judy, and awkward for airline staff.

To read more about Judy please visit her website at

or contact her by email at or by phone at (319) 351-8375

Customer Support

Pakkie Informational Brochure

What is the Pakkie?

A unique harness or sling, designed and created by a woman with a disability, Judy Hoit.

"Pakkie" (a mobility transfer sling), allows 2 people
to move a person requiring assistance from one location to another. One grasps loops at the knees, a second grasps loops near the shoulders, and in a single action, they lift and move the person to the desired location.

All people with disabilities have different needs. Spinal cord injuries require total body assistance when being transfered, where an amputee may require minor assistance. "Pakkie" reduces pain and stress for the person requiring assistance.

5 Reasons why the Pakkie is the best

1. Lightweight - weighs just 9 ounces
2. Durable - supports upto 300 pounds
3. Easy to Store - fits in filing cabinet
4. Washable - disinfected for multiple use
5. Simple - no moving parts to break

The Pakkie is perfect for:

High Rises
Doctors Offices
Dentists Offices
Nursing Homes
Fire Departments

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the Pakkie better than other rescue devices?

The Pakkie is an amazing revolutionary device that not only makes transferring during emergencies and everyday life safe, but it is also a lightweight, space saving device.  Unlike the bulky evacuation chairs when folded, the Pakkie is compact and only weighs 9 ounces, but will support over 300 lbs.  This makes it extremely easy to store.  Because the Pakkie only weighs 9 ounces it will reduce the amount of weight lifted and allow for a safer transfer.

How much space does the Pakkie occupy?

The Pakkie takes up minimal space and weighs 9 ounces.  It can easily be folded and placed in a file cabinet, or drawer.

What is the Pakkie made of?

The Pakkie is made of a lightweight durable fabric that is easy to store and can be sprayed with a disinfectant for medical uses.

Who should purchase the Pakkie?

Beside persons disabled the following industries/businesses will find the Pakkie extremely useful.

Companies in High Rise Buildings

Anybody disabled in a high rise building has no safe way to evacuate during an emergency.  Also what happens if a person who was totally healthy when they went to work, and then they were injured in an emergency later that day, how would they get out of the building?  Here is where the Pakkie comes to the rescue.


Hospital staff are constantly moving patients from bed to a wheelchair, or stretcher which places stress not only on the patient, but can also place the hospital staff at risk for injury.  The Pakkie is the perfect solution to reducing back injuries to staff.

Doctor's Office

The Pakkie is great for assisting patients with disabilities on to exam tables.


The Pakkie is great for assisting patients with disabilities into the dentist chair.

Nursing Homes

Often times patients need to be moved from bed to wheelchair which causes bruising.  The Pakkie will eliminate bruising caused by staff grabbing arms and legs to move.


Ok, so you work for an airline company, how many times have you come across persons disabled that need to board an airplane?  Do you as the airline staff have any clue to what is the safest way to life a person?  This is a trick question, because there is no safe way, unless you have the Pakkie.  The Pakkie can be used as an universal transfer device, and can prevent a disabled passenger from becoming injured, and taking legal action against the airline.  Spending a little money on the Pakkie, can save you millions in the future.  The Pakkie is the ultimate investment.


Cruiselines generally have a good reputation within the population of disabilities, but some cruises do not dock at port, but they dock at sea and take a tender to the dock.  Also what happens if there is an emergency on the ship?  How can a person disabled be expected to get into a life boat?  Do not worry, the Pakkie can be used to solve these problems.


What happens to visitors with disabilities when the fire alarm is pulled, or if there is a real fire?  They cannot use the elevators so how will they go down the stairs?  The Pakkie of course.  Hotels could easily store this device in handicap rooms and notify disabled visitors of its presence.  Hotels at the beach have another use for the Pakkie.  The Pakkie makes it possible for several friends to carry their friend with a disability to the beach.  This device is a lot easier to store than a beach wheelchair, and costs far less.  Plus we can add your hotel name and logo to the back of the Pakkie, and you could also be advertising.  These slings will practically pay for themselves.

Fire Departments & EMS

What happens when you get in a situation where you cannot get a stretcher up a tight and winding flight of stairs?  The Pakkie will fix that problem.  Also what happens if you need to respond to a natural disaster, or terrorist attack?  An ambulance can only hold one maybe two stretchers, but with the Pakkie's small lightweight design you can easily store them on the ambulance.


All schools are required to have emergency evacuation procedures for their students with disabilities.  It can become a school administrators nightmare when a student with a disability is on the second floor when there is a fire.  The elevators are not functional so how do you get the student to safety?  Voila, here comes the Pakkie to the rescue.  This device is great for schools because it can easily be kept in a class room, or a students locker, and with its low cost it is a great investment.

How much does the Pakkie cost?

Call for more information regarding pricing.  There are volume discounts available.

Can the Pakkie contain your business logo?

Yes we can add your company logo on the Pakkie.

Pakkie Instructions

Step 1

Position Pakkie sling on seat as follows:

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Caution Read Before Using

Care and Maintenance


There are several different sales options for the Pakkie listed below. 

Individual Sales

Welcome to Individual Sales!

Welcome to individual sales for the Pakkie. is proud to bring a product that reduces the stress of transferring.  No longer will you have to worry about someone physically grabbing under your arms, or the arms of a loved one, and becoming injured.

Often times it is hard to explain how you need to be lifted.  We understand that people with disabilities have different needs. Spinal cord injuries require total body assistance when being transferred, where an amputee may require minor assistance.  The Pakkie reduces pain and stress for the person requiring assistance.

Remember the Pakkie was designed by Judy Hoit, a woman with a disability, so this device was invented by a person that understands how difficult it is to be transferred safely.  Also, there are other staff members that utilize and believe in this revolutionary product.

The Pakkie is perfect for:

Air Travel

The Pakkie is great if you are an occasional or frequent flyer.  Arrive at the airport sitting on the Pakkie, and when it comes to time to get on the super narrow isle chair, the airline staff can pick you up by grabbing the loops, instead of your arms.  No physical contact will be made which can be uncomfortable for you, and airline staff.

Doctor/Dentist Visits

How many times have you gone to the doctor, and he or she could not do a thorough exam because there was no easy way to get on the examining table?  With the Pakkie staff members can safely transfer you on the exam table.


Wheelchairs and sand do not get along, and beach wheelchairs are costly and take up space, and sometimes can be hard to find.  With the Pakkie a group of friends can carry their friend with a disability onto the beach for a day of fun in the sun.

These are just a few of the many examples of the Pakkie's various uses.

Contact us for more information and pricing

Please contact us for more information and pricing.  We understand the cost of medical equipment and we do everything to make sure the price is well in the means of the individual.

Corporate Sales

Welcome to Corporate Sales!

Welcome to corporate sales for the Pakkie. is determined to not only assist people with disabilities, but to educate the corporate world on the importance of accommodating their customers, and employees with disabilities in a safe manner whether it be everyday situations or during emergencies.

It is important for the corporate world to realize that people with disabilities have different needs. Spinal cord injuries require total body assistance when being transferred, where an amputee may require minor assistance. "Pakkie" reduces pain and stress for the person requiring assistance, and can prevent injuries leading to law suits.

With the threat of terrorist attacks at an all-time high, three major hurricanes (bringing floods, and tornados) hitting the United States in a matter of months, and wildfires out west, emergency planning for people with disabilities is no longer an option for corporations, but a must!

Make sure the Pakkie is part of your emergency plan!

The Pakkie is perfect for:

High Rise Buildings

Anybody with a disability in a high rise building has no safe way to evacuate during an emergency.  Also what happens if a person who was totally healthy when they went to work, and then became injured during an emergency later that day, how would they get out of the building?  Here is where the Pakkie comes to the rescue.


Ok, so you work for an airline company, how many times have you come across persons disabled that need to board an airplane? Do you as the airline staff have any clue to what is the safest way to lift a person?  This is a trick question, because there is no safe way, unless you have the Pakkie.  The Pakkie can be used as an universal transfer device, and can prevent a passenger with a disability from becoming injured, and taking legal action against the airline.  Spending a little money on the Pakkie, can save you millions in the future.  The Pakkie is the ultimate investment.


Cruises generally have a good reputation within the population of disabilities, but some cruises do not dock at port, but they dock at sea and take a tender to the dock.  Also what happens if there is an emergency on the ship?  How can a person disabled be expected to get into a life boat?  Do not worry, the Pakkie can be used to solve these problems.


What happens to visitors with disabilities when the fire alarm is pulled, or if there is a real fire?  They cannot use the elevators so how will they go down the stairs?  The Pakkie of course.  Hotels could easily store this device in handicap rooms and notify disabled visitors of its presence.  Hotels at the beach have another use for the Pakkie.  The Pakkie makes it possible for several friends to carry their friend with a disability to the beach.  This device is a lot easier to store than a beach wheelchair, and costs far less.  Plus we can add your hotel name and logo to the back of the Pakkie, and you could also be advertising.  These slings will practically pay for themselves.

These are just a few of the many examples of corporations that could benefit from the Pakkie. 

The Pakkie is the solution to your business needs

We can personalize the Pakkie by adding your company logo, as well as offer volume discounts.

Please contact us and we will work with you to find a solution to your business needs for everyday activities, and/or emergency planning.

Medical Sales

Welcome to Medical Sales!

Welcome to medical sales for the Pakkie.  The Pakkie pretty much speaks for itself when it comes to the medical profession.  Now hospital staff can easily, and safely transfer patients from hospital bed to the examining table, or to a wheelchair. 

People with disabilities have different needs. Spinal cord injuries require total body assistance when being transferred, where an amputee may require minor assistance. "Pakkie" reduces pain and stress for the person requiring assistance.

With the Pakkies simple design, and small size it can become a practical assistive device that will not take space in already crowded medical facilities.  Also, the Pakkie is easy to clean, and can be disinfected allowing for multiple uses.

The Pakkie is perfect for:


Hospital staff are constantly moving patients from bed to a wheelchair, or stretcher which places stress not only on the patient, but can also place the hospital staff at risk for injury.  The Pakkie is the perfect solution to reducing back injuries to staff.

Doctor's Office

The Pakkie is great for assisting patients with disabilities on to exam tables.


The Pakkie is great for assisting patients with disabilities into the dentist chair.

Nursing Homes

Often times patients need to be moved from bed to wheelchair which causes bruising.  The Pakkie will eliminate bruising caused by staff grabbing arms and legs to move.

These are just a few of the many examples of medical facilities that could benefit from the Pakkie. 

Contact us for more information

Please contact us and we will work with you to help find a solution for accommodating patients with disabilities.

Government Sales

Welcome to Government Sales!

Welcome to government sales for the Pakkie. is determined to not only assist people with disabilities, but to aid local, state, and federal governments in accommodating people with disabilities in a safe manner whether it be during everyday situations, and/or emergencies.

People with disabilities have different needs. Spinal cord injuries require total body assistance when being transferred, where an amputee may require minor assistance. "Pakkie" reduces pain and stress for the person requiring assistance.

With the threat of terrorist attacks at an all-time high, three major hurricanes (bringing floods, and tornados) hitting the United States in matter of months, and wildfires out west, emergency services provided by government agencies is being put to the test.

Make sure the Pakkie is part of your emergency protocol!

The Pakkie is perfect for:

Fire Departments & EMS

What happens when you get in a situation where you cannot get a stretcher up a tight and winding flight of stairs?  The Pakkie will fix that problem.  Also what happens if you need to respond to a natural disaster, or terrorist attack?  An ambulance can only hold one, maybe two stretchers, but with the Pakkie's small lightweight design you can easily store multiple Pakkies on one ambulance.


All schools are required to have emergency evacuation procedures for their students with disabilities.  It can become a school administrators nightmare when a student with a disability is on the second floor when there is a fire.  The elevators are not functional so how do you get the student to safety?  This is where the Pakkie comes to the rescue.  This device is great for schools because it can easily be kept in a class room, or a students locker.

These are just a few of the many examples of government agencies that could benefit from the Pakkie. 

For more information and to order:

Please contact us and we will work with you to help find a solution for accommodating people with disabilities whether it be for everyday activities, and/or emergencies.  We offer many pricing options, and volume discounts.

Vendor Sales

Welcome to Vendor Sales!

Welcome to vendor sales for the Pakkie.  This option is for vendors that wish to buy the Pakkie in bulk to resell to their customers.  You are buying this wonderful product that is gaining popularity in the business world, medical fields, and travel industry for being a lightweight, small, and durable piece of medical/rescue equipment. 

If you are interested in becoming a reseller of this incredible product please contact us to discuss pricing, and ordering options.  We do offer volume discounts, and can personalize the Pakkie by adding your company logo.

Non-Profit Sales

Welcome to Non-Profit Sales!

Welcome to non-profit sales for the Pakkie. is proud to bring a product that reduces the stress of transferring.  This sales option is designed for non-profits to make money for their organization while selling the Pakkie.

Make money for your organization!

That's right, you can make a few extra bucks for your organization by selling the Pakkie.  For every Pakkie sold your group could receive up to $15 for each Pakkie.  Sell 10 Pakkies and you could receive $150.  We believe that we can successfully give back to the community while spreading the Pakkie name.

Contact us for more information

Please contact us for more information and to work out a sales contract. 

Sales Representatives

We are currently looking for representatives from all over the world to help us sell this wonderful product.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact Robert Watson or Mike McGrath for more information regarding the various sales options.


coming soon!

Contact Us

For more information and to order contact:

Robert Watson
15520 Bald Eagle School Road
Brandywine, MD 20613
(301) 343-7251

For technical or website issues contact:

Mike McGrath
(410) 271-5366


September 22-24th, 2004

Conference on Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities

Hyatt Regency Crystal City,  Arlington, Virginia

The Conference is sponsored by The National Capital Region with the support of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the National Organization on Disability. The September 22-24 Conference will build on recent commitments by government and community leaders to increase national awareness about the unique emergency needs of people with disabilities in disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
For more details go to the National Organization on Disabilities website at

Pakkie Friends

Judy Hoit, inventor of the Pakkie - This website takes a look at the accomplishments of Judy Hoit from March of Dimes poster child, to Ms. Wheelchair Iowa, to world speaker and traveler, to inventor of the Pakkie, and more.

Disability Advocacy/Information

National Organization on Disability (NOD) - National Organization on Disability (N.O.D.), has a mission to expand the participation and contribution of America’s 54 million men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life. By raising disability awareness through programs and information, together we can work toward closing the participation gap.

The Cerebral Palsy Group - The Cerebral Palsy Group, encourages adults with cerebral palsy from around the United States and the world to communicate with each other.  What is life like in your community? and What challenges have you faced?  and How do you handle situations? are just some of the types of feedback The Cerebral Palsy Group is seeking.

United Cerebral Palsy - United Cerebral Palsy, a leading source of information on cerebral palsy and is a pivotal advocate for the rights of persons with any disability. As one of the largest health charities in America, UCP's mission is to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association - is a voluntary health agency — a dedicated partnership between scientists and concerned citizens aimed at conquering neuromuscular diseases that affect more than a million Americans.

American Association of People with Disabilities - American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), largest national nonprofit cross-disability member organization in the United States, dedicated to ensuring economic self-sufficiency and political empowerment for the more than 56 million Americans with disabilities. AAPD works in coalition with other disability organizations for the full implementation and enforcement of disability nondiscrimination laws, particularly the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Dating/Social Issues

DateAble, Inc. - A dating service with heart; that's why we are here.  DateAble is a unique non-profit social organization for people with and without disabilities who seek new friends and relationships.

Ms. Wheelchair America - Ms. Wheelchair America organization, strives to empower women to achieve their goals and celebrate their accomplishments.  In addition, this website includes information on states that are organizing new pageants and states with existing pageants.


Bender Consulting Services, Inc.  - At Bender Consulting Services, Inc. our mission is to provide superior technology consulting services to our customers while creating employment and career opportunities, independence and freedom for people with disabilities.

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